July 2025 Mission Trips

We are headed to Ecuador this summer, July 17-26th, 2025. Our two mission trip goals are to aid the Chacauco staff in hosting youth camp and to aid Missionaries Steve Thompson and local Pastor Jorge Rodriguez other needed areas in the jungle or mountains of Ecuador.

Registration opens in January of 2025.

Interest Meeting on January 12th, right after second service in the UPRISE room!

  • Ecuador Youth Camp

    Hundreds of Ecuadorian teenagers from the nearby city of Tena, local villages, and remote, deep jungle communities gather together for four days to hear God’s word preached, to worship, and to engage in the sort of recreation only camp can provide.

    Our team will be tasked with helping in a variety of ways: everything from washing the dishes and passing out food at meal times to teaching Bible study lessons and leading games with students.

    If you’re wondering what kind of an impact you could possibly have on a trip like this, in July 2023, we hosted 300 Ecuadorian youth and saw nearly 100 make a profession of faith. Surely, countless more made steps of faith in their walk with Christ. Each testimony shared, Bible study taught, and game played has a role in the spiritual steps students take at camp!

  • Will there be fundraisers?

    Of course! We know that this is not a small amount of money. Actually, the true cost is substantially more than that, but the church pitches in a few hundred budget dollars to help members go--we want you there!

    We work to provide opportunities through the church to fundraise throughout the year--especially our annual Golf Tournament--so keep an eye out for those opportunities!

    More than anything though, we have found that Mission Trip Support Letters go a long way in raising the funds needed. We’ll give out a template you can use to do this as we get closer.

  • Passports & Vaccinations

    If you do not have a valid passport, now is the time to get moving. There is a government backlog on producing passports and you don’t want to get caught waiting.

    The recommended vaccinations for Ecuador are Hep A & B, Typhoid, and

  • Climate & Culture

    We will experience two very different climates during our mission trip. We will begin and end in the mountain region of the country, experiencing elevations between 7,000 and 12,000 feet and enjoying the cool climate that accompanies that type of elevation. You can expect temperatures mostly in the 60s and 70s.

    In the middle of the week, we will spend about 4 days in the jungle region, where temperatures are hot and humid. The heat is usually not quite as intense as a Florida summer, but there is no A/C relief! Thankfully, evening air from the mountain region sweeps through the jungle in the evening to cool you off enough to get a good night’s rest.

    As you might expect, Ecuadorians speak Spanish! Don’t worry, there are tons of ways to communicate across a language barrier and there will be plenty of interpreters at youth camp to help you communicate. If you want to learn more, we recommend Duolingo!

  • Payment Schedule

    We are still working on this years actual cost, so the payment schedule may be subject to change.

    Payment Schedule:

    $150 deposit due at registration

    $150 monthly payment due at the end of each month (Feb through June)

2024 Mission Trip Recap Video

Want to get a feel for what the trip will be like? No two trips are identical, but this will give you a feel for what it’s like.